Product & ServicesSwastika Tech2022-11-17T07:23:10+00:00 PRODUCTS & SERVICES We understand your needs better. SAFETY AUDITThe expanding Technological landscape in India has led to innovations. Enquire Now THERMOGRAPHYThe sector is growing rapidly with many multinational organizations focusing on contributing to the society. Enquire Now ELECTRICAL TESTINGWith sound fundamentals and tremendous scope for growth, India has one of the most developed Financial markets in the developing world. Enquire Now SAFETY TRAINING Workplace safety training is a process that aims to provide your workforce with knowledge and skills. Enquire Now FIRE SAFETY AUDITThe sector is growing rapidly with many multinational organizations focusing on contributing to the society. Enquire Now ELECTRICAL DRAWINGWith sound fundamentals and tremendous scope for growth, India has one of the most developed Financial markets in the developing world. Enquire Now